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The journey continues!

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Practitioner Categories

Spirit Australia practitioners are described by one or more of these six categories:


Continuous Life

All Spirit Australia practitioners work with awareness and understanding of the spiritual nature of continuous life

Every Spirit Australia Member

Energy Healing

A wide span of healing modalitites focussing on the impact of the unseen & non physical parts in the reality of our human experience

Reiki, Chakras, Light & Sound


Practitioners who have professional and relevant AQF qualifications with national industry standard government recognition

Accredited Therapists & more

Mind Body Soul Connect

Incorporating awareness of the interrelated and complex nature of our whole self, including both the physical & the non physical

Meditation, Psychics & more

Proof of Survival

Accredited to provide evidence verifying the reality of continous life. Just the provable facts. No wishful thinking or belief required!

Expert Trusted Mediumship

Specialised Teaching

Practitioners accredited to offer deep learning, skilled experience and instinctive wisdom in their particular experitise

Personal & Guided Learning

Spirit Australia Practitioners are united in understanding that spiritual life is continuous and does not end when the physical body dies. Amazing, yes! 

Grunge Bricks
Our Mission

Our Mission

We are the National Charity inspiring excellence in Spirit Education, professional Practitioners and connected Communities. 
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Life on Earth...

Over just the last few short centuries our physical species - humankind - has rapidly become the dominant lifeform on our planet. And also by far the most destructive.


We have now become so fearful, so separated from the natural cycles of change and growth, that we have begun a journey down an evolutionary road that can surely only lead to great suffering for all life.


Can we recognise and reverse this disconnection? Can we remember and welcome who we are on the inside?


We are so much more than our physical bodies and our self-serving, scarcity-based, narrow & rigid limited perceptions.


Let's reconnect to the reality of love!

Bright Gradient

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Spirit Australia

Supporting the Community & Integrity of people engaged in Spirit Education and Experiences

Spirit Australia

We are the national charity inspiring excellence in Spirit Education, professional Practitioners and connected Communities. 

We source, create, supply, endorse & promote education for all people seeking, or supporting, spiritual information and experiences. 

We encourage a holistic view of Spirit for people of all religions or none by uniting awareness of the history, science, practice, lived experience, philosophy & reality of the universal and continuous nature of spiritual life.  


Phone: 0481 002 333

Not-for-Profit ACN 670 727 876

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