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Would you like to connect more with your energetic spiritual self?


There are many practitioners who are skilled in a wide variety of modalities and ways of working with spirit.


Click the Map below to search by location, or keep reading and scroll down to discover more about the categories, modalities & services of the Spirit Australia Practitioners...  

Discover where to find the readers, healers, teachers and guides that are right for you!


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Practitioner Categories

Spirit Australia practitioners are described by one or more of these six categories:


Continuous Life

All Spirit Australia practitioners work with awareness and understanding of the spiritual nature of continuous life

Every Spirit Australia Member

Energy Healing

A wide span of healing modalitites focussing on the impact of the unseen & non physical parts in the reality of our human experience

Spiritual, Reiki, Light & Sound


Practitioners with Spirit Australia or professional AQF qualifications with national industry standard government recognition

Multi-Skilled Professionals

Mind Body Soul Connect

Incorporating awareness of the interrelated and complex nature of our whole self, including both the physical & the non physical

Meditation, Psychics & more

Proof of Survival

Accredited to provide evidence verifying the reality of continous life. Just the provable facts. No wishful thinking or belief required!

Expert Trusted Mediumship

Specialised Teaching

Practitioners accredited to offer deep learning, skilled experience and instinctive wisdom in their particular experitise

Personal & Guided Learning
Gradient Ocean


Learn more about our Spirit Australia Practitioner categories

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Continuous Life

Every Spirit Australia Member


All Spirit Australia practitioners work with awareness and understanding of the spiritual nature of continuous life.


The first of Nine Foundations of Spirit Australia, the reality of continuous spiritual life is recognised in almost every culture and religion on our planet. 


Some say we are reincarnated on Earth, others say that we are born again in Heaven, and some others say we remain part of a great cycle of life after our bodies depart...


Whether you trust in belief, or logically seek proof, or maybe even have a lived experience of life after death, the truth is that we do not die when our physical bodies do. Our bodies are temporary; our spirit is permanent.

Man in Nature


Continuous Life

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Singing Bowl Sound Healing


Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Spiritual, Reiki, Light & Sound


A wide span of healing modalities focussing on the impact of the unseen & non physical parts in the reality of our human experience.


Energy healing is non-invasive and therefore considered safe by academic studies worldwide.


Healers themselves do not heal; they provide a channel that greater intelligence may work through, in the physical world, for the highest good of the client.


Comfort, peacefulness and lessening of symptoms are frequently reported as outcomes of energy healing. 

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Further Qualifications

Multi-Skilled Professionals


Practitioners who have gained either:

1) Spirit Australia accreditation, or

2) Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited professional qualifications in any area with national industry standard government recognition.


Spirit Australia will be launching its own accreditation in 2025 and you can read more about this by clicking here for courses and here for accreditation.


In the meantime, while it is possible to gain informal certificates of completion or participation in areas of spiritual education, currently there are no AQF accredited diplomas, degrees or even certificates available in Australia for spiritual practitioners to study


To avoid confusion, and any misleading interpretations of "qualifications", this category refers to practitioners who have significant levels of expertise & study in professional areas other than spiritual ones.


Achievement in this way requires an understanding and respect for the benefits of open collaboration, intelligent research, lifelong learning and best practice.  


You can feel reassured that those high standards of competency & dedication required to become a nurse, school teacher, medicare rebated practitioner, university lecturer, psychologist, or professional in many other fields, will be carried over by our practitioners in their spiritual endeavours.

Senior Businesswoman


Further Qualifications

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Free Yoga


Mind Body Soul Connect

Mind Body Soul Connect

Meditation, Psychics & More


Incorporating awareness of the interrelated and complex nature of our whole self, including both the physical & the non physical.


We may call them Mystics, but their work is not just about awareness of their own inner spiritual world... Whether through expertise in relaxation or spirit communication, awareness of different energy forms, skills with various tools and ways of working with psychic senses, and so much more, our Mind Body Soul practitioners are here to help you.


The lifelong journey of exploring a spiritual path can sometimes feel confusing or even isolating at times. Sometimes we can look for gurus to guide us, but we can also forget that the task of our spiritual teachers is only to help us come home to ourselves. 


We are the masters of our own universe. Trust yourself, and your intuition will guide you to the experiences and teachers that are right for you.

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Proof of Survival

Expert Trusted Mediumship


Accredited to provide evidence verifying the reality of continous life. Just the provable facts. No wishful thinking or belief required!


We are passionate about supporting Evidential Psychic Mediums who can provide a genuine and reliable connection linking our two worlds. 


There is a powerful greater purpose overarching every interaction with Spirit, and only those mediums who demonstrate the high integrity and accuracy needed to ethically share the profound responsibility of their gifts are considered for Spirit Australia recognition. 


In a physical world with human connection at the foundation of our lives, our mediums joyfully offer your loved ones the opportunity to continue communicating with you.



Proof of Survival

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Write a summary


Specialised Teaching

Specialised Teaching

Personal & Guided Learning


Practitioners accredited to offer deep learning, skilled experience and instinctive wisdom in their particular experitise. 


Spirit Australia is dedicated to providing students with the highest standard of education and learning experiences.


We take a student-centered, structured, holistic approach, ensuring that everyone is getting the attention and support they need to thrive.


In accrediting only our most focussed and experienced practitioners, our goal is to provide quality teaching to help all students achieve their full potential.

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Are You a Practitioner?

2024 Launch Offer

Never to be repeated!
Lead the way forward and be seen on the Practitioner Map now!
Help Spirit Australia & Be a Founding Member
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Best Value




September 2024 to June 2025

Valid for 9 months

Less than $2 per WEEK to Get Us Started Thank YOU!

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Special Launch NINE MONTHS subscription!

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Strictly One Time Only Expires 30th June 2025

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